Star tiger
JoinedTopics Started by Star tiger
it looks like I miss pronounced my last post
by Star tiger inwhat i meant to say was are any other religions , belief systems any lest relevant than christianitity!.
star tiger.
p/s probably in drunkenise, lol!!!!!
Now we know the Witness teaching is anything out of bounds
by Star tiger inhi people,.
because i am now out of the borg, i've recently got back into main stream heavy metal and all that entails, and because i'm a scorpio i've got into horoscopes and numerology, that's due to my sexy sign and it makes me feel good!
and pretty dark!
why do I need validation that I am a good person
by Star tiger inhi everyone,.
why do feel i need validation, that no matter what good deeds i perform, i work as a care assistant for the elderly i've never felt that i am a good man, that the jehovah's witnesses would say that now i not part of their organization that i am a bad person, i only require a feeling that i on the right track to help people, it seems sad to me that more help i provide for the less able i feel worthless, i would appreciate your comments!.
the star tiger .
There is no happy endings for Jehovahs witnesses
by Star tiger init's sad too say that all of us good people that believed in a happy ending through justice that god would protect us, is a false promise, it us mere humans that make our lives and however we chose to lives this is our lot, no mystic new order or paradise earth, we make our own destiny!!!.
the star tiger.
we all at some stage bought into this ludicrous mindset
by Star tiger ini cannot believe that we all in some capacity were enticed by this illogical mindset, i do not have any animosity for the people in the individual kingdom hall, although they had complicity, the governing body have full responsibility for this massive lie, is there any way that the public at large can be alerted to this fraud against humanity?.
the star tiger .
I am getting out of the Plato version of things to Aristotle!
by Star tiger indear friends,.
the early platoistic beliefs of an heavenly and etherial system where everything thing will be okay if you adhere to a theistic reality aka jw, to a more realistic ideal, of you live in a here and now to make your life meaningful.
after all no definate messages from a deity have come to man that can be verified by any religious book that can be scrutinized by alternative means is highly dubious!
With the advance of the singularity in 2045 will the JW finally Give up?
by Star tiger insurely this cult must give up with the rise of computer consciousness in 2045, at least we wont have to continue with all this rubbish of whether they were right or wrong, finally reason would have prevailed and we would know that logic prevailed as a deist god would want, not a vindictive god that the world seems to advocate, any god that would let innocent children die needlessly is not a god i would worship, i think bram stokers drakula got it right there, god don't count on my vote there's far too little sex and way too little heavy metal, lol.
star tiger.
The jW's have admitted their wrong but never apologize
by Star tiger indear friends,.
even though i've left the religion i find it very distressing that although they've made hundreds of mistakes in predicting the future and human issues they will never say sorry, how many innocent children and adults have died through the blood issue, and now through new enlightenment, now have the truth, total excrement, this is a totally manmade religion, not at all bothered about their flock, i am so glad i am out of it!.
star tiger.
People that come into contact with JW's become damaged!
by Star tiger ini have a lovely wife and three beautiful children, i am so grateful to my wife who rejected the truth, when i was considering renewing my interest in the jehovahs witnesses, now i am philosophical deist rejecting atheism, it seems to me the sensibly option, after reading the bible and its hatred for the majority of mankind!.
the star tiger.
The responsibility of the governing body
by Star tiger inhello friends,.
it has recently occurred to me the awesome responsibility of the seventeen or eighteen members of the governing body have for the lives of the six million active members of the jehovah's witnesses community plus interested persons and how easily they determine peoples lives and deaths with their ill thought out biblical reasoning, i wonder has any body ever sued them because of wrong advise!
i would be interested if any body knows of a legal example of this taking place!.